Tag Archives: feral horses

Venezuelan Creoles WE

This entry was contributed to Wild Equus by Dr. Jose Luis Canelon of the Catedra Caballo Criollo Venezolano. Dr. Canelon, Jose Luis, was amongst other things, staunchly dedicated to the preservation of the Venezuelan Creole horses. News of his passing is personally heartfelt.

Catedra Caballo Criollo Venezolano.

Emeritus Professor. Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado

“I joined the WEN to be in touch with other persons who work with wild horses.”

Species: Equus caballus

Subspecies/Breed/Type: Creole type

Country: Venezuela

Region/Province/Range: Apure. Merida

Population type: Feral and semi feral herds

Estimated Population size: about 400 horses (2015)

Management Authority:  Catedra Caballo Criollo Venezolano

Management Practices: Population Management Strategy is urgently needed to curb genetic erosion

Details of Population

The Venezuelan Creole may be found scattered throughout the country with the highest concentration of individuals in the area of the Llanos (200 meters above sea level) and in the Andean region Sierra Nevada National Park (4,000 meters above sea level) with completely different and extreme geographies. The Llanos had a very dry season for a few months and other season of heavy rains. In the Andean region there are occasional snow and low temperatures regularly.

We have two different groups one completely feral and another semi-feral. the features are typical of the other Creoles. Straight or sub-convex profile, height 1,32-1,49 meters, nostrils in inverted comma, very straight and strong back. Low insertion tail, inclined croup.It is characterized by its hardiness and livestock sense. fully adapted to the environment.

Structure and demographics

Issues worth noting and needed action

In urgent need of special goverment protection to stop genetic erosion.

This is an ongoing work, and as such, will be updated regularly as new information is made available.